Wednesday, June 11, 2008

If It's Wednesday rerun

Walker had a bit of a change in his regular Wednesday schedule because his speech therapist needed to make up some time. She and his PA met Walker at work and took him to dinner. He had hardly gotten home before he was busy gathering up all the trash cans and heading to the street to put the garbage out. He never needs to be reminded, and it never occurs to him that he might just announce that he's too tired to do it after a long day at work. He just does what he's supposed to...99.9% of the time...without question. Then he noticed that I had unloaded the dishwasher, usually his job, and thanked me. Wow, I don't think anyone has ever thanked me for unloading the dishwasher.

Walker knows that work comes before pleasure, but when his chores are done, he unapologetically claims the rest of the evening for himself. He doesn't like to be bothered once he has holed up in his room with Hannah Montana or High School Musical or his hero The Fonz. He's earned that.

I hope I remember to thank those in my life for all the little things they do. I hope I'll be more like Walker when I grow up.


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