Thursday, December 26, 2013

Tumbling Rocks

Hmmm....Maybe I'm getting my blogging shoes back on.

 I spent some time yesterday sorting through some old comments which then lead to my reading some of my old posts, and realized that some of them were actually pretty good.  Unfortunately at the time I wrote most of  them, I probably had about 10 or 12 readers.  Some newer readers have told me they've gone through the list on the side of the page and read more. One old friend said he actually read the whole that is a friend indeed!

Anyway, I ran across one that had been tickling my brain for quite a while after I noted that one of my favorite people had used a similar idea to one I remembered using,  although he had absolutely no way of knowing I'd used it back in 2010.  A small discussion group I'm a part of used the same metaphor/simile in a really fruitful discussion a couple of weeks ago, and I just couldn't rest until I found my piece.  Here 'tis.

In re-reading it, I'm convinced that many of you who have just spent some time tumbling with an assortment of relatives or friends in what may have been close quarters might find food for thought there.  My discussion group came up with comments describing what the "rock tumbler experience" might be like as "uncomfortable", "loss of personal control", "rough", "frightening", "eventually beautiful", and others.

Every time my increasingly large family gathers, I could use exactly those words to describe the experience.  I heave a huge sigh of relief when most of these gatherings are over, especially the lengthier ones where we're all under one roof for a week or so.  If we come out with somewhat smoother edges and there are no sparks to speak of, I count it a successful, and sometimes beautiful experience.  Even if it's kind of rough and uncomfortable, we are all usually willing to give it another whirl after a little alone time, because that's what families do. 

How was your holiday rock tumble this year? Feel free to comment below or on Facebook or to me personally at


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Random Christmas Thoughts from Me to You

Ahhh...Christmas Eve and I actually have a few minutes to myself.  The last of the packages are wrapped and actually have matching ribbon and tags for the most part, the rolls are rising, the Walkers are making a last minute grocery run, and the house is quiet for a bit. We've enjoyed the company of good friends, and await the conclusion with our family tonight and a quiet day tomorrow...All is Calm,...All is Bright.

As some of you know, this year we are awaiting a baby.  Sarah will bring what will probably be the final grandchild into our family soon, and we're all awaiting his or her arrival with great anticipation.  Somehow the miracle of birth is always awe inspiring no matter how many you've experienced or how over populated the world might be. Each new life brings with it a promise and hope.

Walker III  has already received some nice cards and gifts, some monetary, others food remembrances from his customers and relatives.  His joy in opening a card from an unexpected source showed me how little it takes to please him.  Our gifts to him this year aren't large, and they actually involve clothing.  He has become active in a Young Life group geared toward adults with disabilities and it's his favorite thing in the world right now...he is a BELIEVER!  I'm not sure he nor I understand exactly what that means, but that's okay...he's convinced it's so.  He's getting a new Young Life logo jacket and stocking cap, which I suspect might get some wear this year, and an upgrade to his old flip phone, which he has reluctantly agreed to.  He and his dad are out selecting it as I write.

Molly and Katie and their families are doing what young families do...attending sporting events and performances...and two of these were really significant to me this year.  Molly and Robert went to Groton to see Robert and attend Lessons and Carols last week while I kept their little boys, and Molly send me a text on Sunday morning that the service would be streamed live.  After going to our church, then The Nutcracker, I was a little less than enthusiastic about watching the tiny screen and kind of jerky picture, but after a little tinkering, we got pretty good reception.  Robert was head acolyte, and at the recession, he proceeded carrying the cross straight into my was fabulous!   The other involved three of the middle boys and their school's annual Christmas program...this year they did the usual Christmas songs by grade, but the finale was 400 plus first through sixth grade boys  in choir robes and red bows singing the Halleluiah Chorus...You just can't imagine!

So...I'm going to go finish up the table, get my hair done, and get ready for the onslaught of my family...the chaos and fun will begin.  Merry Christmas to each of you wherever you may be, and may you have nothing but blessings in the New Year.
